Yoga - The 7 chakras and their significance:

We all must have heard of the Chakras. This term is often used in an environment where Yoga is practiced. But not many are aware of the meaning of this term. Chakras are considered to be the energy points or nodes in the human body. This is a belief by followers of Hinduism. These are not present in us, physically but it is subtly. These are present in Nadis or channels in which exits the subtle life force. The word ‘Chakra’ has been derived from a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, but with respect to the context it means whirlpool. Our body basically consists of 7 chakras. 1.Muladhara 2.Swadhisthana 3.Manipura 4.Anahata 5.Vishuddha 6.Ajna 7.Sahasrara/ Brahmarandra Location of the Chakras Muladhara is located at the perineum or the gap between the anal outlet and the genital organ. Swadhisthana is located just above the genital organ. Manipura is located right below the navel. Anahata is present beneath the point where the rib cage meets. Vishud...