Dispelling Diabetes Myth vs Fact

Everyone knows what diabetes is. Diabetes is a condition where the amount of glucose in your blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly.

This is because your pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin, or not enough insulin, to help glucose enter your body’s cells – or the insulin that is produced does not work properly.

There number of people diagnosed with diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. But it should be noted that many are not properly aware about diabetes details. There are many myths surrounding diabetes. Here are 5 myths which are usually believed to be true but in actuality are not.

Myth: Diabetes is not a big disease to worry about or take care of.

Fact: Diabetes has to be taken seriously, but if you manage it right, you can help delay or even avoid some diabetes-related health complications.

Myth: People with diabetes are more prone to more colds, flus, and other illnesses.

Fact: The truth is people living with diabetes are no more likely to catch a cold than someone who does not have diabetes. But it is advisable to those with diabetes to get an annual flu shot. Here it must be noted that any illness can sometimes make diabetes harder to manage.

Myth: "Diabetes-friendly" and "sugar-free" foods are beneficial if you are a diabetic.

Fact: Actually, sugar-free foods often contain plenty of calories and even carbs, so always check nutrition labels closely.

Myth: People with diabetes should not eat any sweets.

Fact: It’s okay to have a small serving of sweet food in an otherwise healthy eating plan, as long as you take into account the calories and carbs you ate that day.

Myth: People with diabetes cannot donate blood.

Fact: Diabetic people can donate blood as long as their diabetes is well controlled.


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