Laugh Out Loud!!

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night”. Lol! Tickling the funny bone isn’t that easy. A good humour is that which makes you laugh effortlessly. The laughter is so killer that it spreads like a wildfire funny and crazy enough to burst out in pain. The energy released out while absorbing the humour makes you relieve your stress. Laugh out or Fart out. Ah! The release has relieved you. Isn’t it?

“Happiness is having a large, loving, close-knit family in another city.” Happiness and humour are understood in different levels. Yet both give you a strange feeling: one of satisfaction while the other of madness. We all need that madness drug. That’s best felt when you can handle a joke in all its strength. Reading humorous quotes is a solution to clear your mind from unwanted and unwarranted thoughts. 

“I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.” Life is too complicated. Uh! Let it be. And hell! Let it go. All work and no play is a boring life. Get lazy and catch up on a little fun. Watching an out and out comedy series cools your senses. Life becomes easy and now you have ways to finish the task than stare at it. Let go off your losses for profit is not permanent. There are bigger deals. You sure will be able to catch the next train. If not there is alternate transport.

“You can only be young once. But you can be immature.” Aye! Embrace the time. Life is too short to waste it on thoughtless acts and emotions. After all to err is human. Then, why to worry, when you have a universal quote there. Lessons learnt new mistakes to be made and chase the adventures. Set sails, unravel your future and the albatross is waiting for you.

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour” says Charles Dickens. Keep laughing as it doesn’t cost a penny and it’s all worthy for the planet is even otherwise filled with fools of multiple disorders. It’s crooked till the end finish. Don’t try to straighten it as the quality will suffer. Be funny, be happy, be crazy and spread the madness.


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