8 Steps to a Happy You :

There have been times when you have been harsh on yourself for no fault of yours. You have been very critical and judgmental about your own actions. Usually people become judgmental when they are too stressed out or when they have all the time on earth. Try to make the most of this one life you have, but don’t cramp too many tasks and also don’t be perpetually lazy.

Many of us are unhappy with the life we live and usually wish for something better. It’s easy to criticize and crib. But the art of living is to make the best of what is given to you.

  • Learn to be busy with productive work. Do something that pleases you and also is helpful to the society. Your life will be much richer.

  • Have a recreation schedule. Plan your recreation and make it happen. You will be more fresh and happy.

  • Catch up with people who inspire you and encourage you. Being with people who only gossip, do no good to you, other than wasting your time. Also people with negative mindset are a big no no.

  • Learn to say no. Once you master this art, your life will be much simpler. 

  • There are many who have wronged us, have not met our expectations and made us feel low. Forgive and move on. This is therapeutic. 

  • Don’t be addicted to television, smartphones, mobile games and social networking sites. Too much time spent on these will make you feel tired and empty at the end of the day.

  • Spend to live and don’t live to spend. Now, this is very important. Buying unnecessary things for the sake of buying does not make you feel good. In fact, it increases your boredom. Shop wisely, you will feel better and money saved is money earned. 

  • Lastly, maintain a proper health diet. Eat fresh and live fresh. Eat on time and try to stick to your schedule. Disciplined diet is the best medicine.

Incorporate these simple living techniques in your life and you will never feel low again.


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