June 21 -International Yoga Day: The World Bows to Yoga

It was a boost to the practice of yoga, when our prime minister, Narendra Modi called for the observance of World Yoga Day on June 21st every year in the UN general assembly address. He called it “India’s gift to the world.”

Yoga is a primordial practice which originated in India. Yoga is practice of meditation and a practice of bringing in physical, mental and spiritual harmony. 
Some Deeper Facets
Maharishi Patanjali was the pioneer of this art and propounded it over 5000 years ago. In the hierarchy of Vedic Knowledge, there are four Vedas (Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva), there are four sub Vedas which are divided into six limbs, which are further divided into six subordinate limbs. Yoga is an important part of the six subordinate limbs. There are several types in it, like gyana, bhakti, karma, hatha, raj, mantra, shiva, naad and many more. Before, it was only a practice for the elite class, later with the help numerous saints of India its doors opened for the common people and it spread all over the world. 
The Day is Here!
Though it was practiced all over the world, it only gained an international importance when June 21st was declared to be celebrated as the world yoga day in the United Nations general assembly and was accepted by more than 177 countries which included Muslim nations. 
Many previous efforts were made by many formal and informal yoga groups and teachers. Most commendable was the effort made by Pandit Ravi Shankar the founder of ‘Art of Living’ foundation. A conference called ‘Yoga: A science for world peace’ was organized in Bangalore. But finally it was observed as an international day because of Prime Minister Modi with his interviews and speeches.

Yoga is a harmonious practice that unites your body, mind and spirit and individual to the universe. It helps in bringing harmony in thoughts, words and deeds.


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