9 Tips to Get Rid of Monday Morning Blues:

Its hard think of the next day when you are enjoying the weekend, Monday will be waiting for you.
Well, Mondays pose a problem to us because it marks the prologue of the next week. The thought that tomorrow is Monday itself marks the prologue! We surely want to get rid of that and here are few tips:
  1. Look at your workload that is waiting for you and that you must accomplish which only happens with Monday.

  2. Adjust your attitude and look at what is good.

  3. Start combating that thought right from Friday.

  4. Make a list of things you are going to do and are excited about.

  5. Hit the snooze button and wake up as early as possible.

  6. Workout and mark the beginning.

  7. Realize that it will be over soon. 
  8. Spend a few minutes the previous evening preparing for Monday like deciding on your clothes, breakfast options and the like.

  9. Finally, get used to it because there’s nothing you can do about it!


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