Why DreamStream is a Better Place for Hotel Marketing

There is competition in all fields today. Food and hospitality industry are no exception. It takes in a lot of creativity, ideas, time and effort to establish your hotel as a good brand among the people of the country. But what if you put all the right ingredients like creativity, ideas, time and effort but put it in the wrong kind of platform? The fault of publishing in the wrong forum will make it unworthy of all the efforts.

Well, which is the right forum then? Ever wonder? We present to you, DreamStream, a website solely meant to help people with the fields of their interest. To make an account on DreamStream you will have to open the link and sign up either through Gmail, Twitter or your e-mail account. Fill the required details and accept the terms and conditions. You will be provided with home page. One can follow pages or Dreamers who interest them. 
DreamStream has pages and albums dedicated for hotels. The hotelier can post photos of rooms, spas and other amenities to showcase the best features of the hotel. In fact DreamStream gives its users the option of creating pages devoted to content. People in hotel industry can make maximum use of this, to create dedicated pages to showcase content about their hotels to attract more customers. Here are some of them:
  • If the hotel is near some place of historical importance or tourist attraction, a page can be created on the place and a link can be given to the hotel as well.
  • Pictures of various signature dishes, recipes and food can also be shared as well.
  • If any weddings of eminent personalities have taken place at the hotel, pictures of these also can be shared thereby attracting guests to the hotel.
  • Pages can be dedicated to offer helpful advice, tips and travel plan to guests.
  • Also, you can create a page which can focus on the in-house activities which can also boost the hotel image.
This way, DreamStream has stood up to be one of the best medium for Hotel Marketing. Now, if you are a restaurant and you want to increase your presence in the market, you know where to be!  


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