Do It Yourself: Cool and Easy Gifting Ideas

Do It Yourself,DIY Gift,Gift
Everybody loves gifts; I do, you do and everybody does! It’s amazing how people put an effort and buy beautiful things for us. But, you know what is even more touching? When a person puts in some time and effort and makes something for you. They make a gift and present it to you. The feeling of receiving such a handmade gift with lot of love is a feeling beyond comparison. But we must have heard of the saying, ‘treat people the way you expect them to treat you.’ So if you’re hoping someone would give you a handmade gift, start by doing one yourself. Here are a few ideas to make gifts yourself:
  1. Make a collage: Make a collage of your pictures together or just their pictures, frame it and gift it to them. This will be a very cute piece of picture hanging on their wall with a collection of all their best pictures.
  2. Collection of candles: Buy few fragrant candles and make a lamp using cloth paper. Use strings to support the paper in a ball-shape and fix the candles in it.
  3. Glow jars: Buy a bid beautiful jar or a small round fish tank. Add some oil in it. Buy glow sticks. Break open the tip and pour the liquid into the jar or bowl. See how it glows in the dark.
  4. Lava lamp: Buy a clean transparent jar. Pour water into it. Add drops of oil in it. Add on drops of paint into it which while make the color float along with the oil in it.
  5. Paint: If you are a good artist, paint a portrait of them or of something that they like, frame it and gift it to them.
  6. Collection: Collect all their favorite little things like candies, little crystal stones, beads and jingles and put it into a tiny transparent box and wrap it with a ribbon!
Now go make a gift and impress that special someone! 


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