Avocado – the New Superfruit:

The Mayan Indians have a saying, “Where avocados grow, hunger and malnutrition have no friends”. People all over the world are adding avocados to their diet, which has many health benefits. 
Good Fats: Avocados are rich in monosaturated fats, which is actually good fat. This is easily burnt out for energy.

Eye Health: They contain carotenoid lutein, which is known to help protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Heart: Avocado contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help regulate homocysteine levels. High level of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of heartdisease. Avocado also contains vitamin E, glutathione, and monounsaturated fat, which help in maintaining a healthy heart.

Fiber: They contain more natural fiber than any other fruit and this aids in digestion and also maintain blood sugar levels.

Antioxidant: They contain the antioxidant glutathione, a powerful antioxidants that helps fight free radicals in the body.

Skincare and Anti-ageing: Avocado extract is added to cosmetics, as they are known to nourish the skin. It also slows aging process, and encourages a healthy nervous system.


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