Get Rid of Clutter –The Easy Way:


A neat and clean home is no less than a paradise. No matter how big or small your home is, it is the neatness and tidiness which makes it cozy and comfortable.

Having kids around does make a home messy with their toys, books and art material like color paints, craftworks and clothes strewn all over. But you can work around it and de-clutter your home.

Always instill the habit of keeping things in place to your children once they reach the age of five. This won’t happen overnight. But repeatedly urging them to put things in place will make them slowly do this.

In the mean time, always bear in mind to keep things minimal. Growing kids outgrow their clothes very fast. Don’t buy clothes in excess for kids. Buy in moderation. You can give away clothes which are in good condition to charitable institutions. Yes, you can preserve your baby’s first frock or sweater. The one she loved wearing and looked so pretty. Keep some of them for memories but you don’t need to make a museum of it.

Children’s interest in books keeps changing with their age. Again here, you can keep some of their favorite books and give away the rest which are in good condition to schools and libraries. The very old, tattered ones can go for recycling. Maintain a book shelf so that it is easier to store books and also it gives a neat and artistic look.

Today is the age of electronics and information technology. Every few months we keep adding new gadgets or updating the old ones like mobile phones for example. You can sell any workable gadget on portals which deal with used goods. Also, you can donate them. Broken gadgets which are of no use can be sent to recycling centers.

This away, you end up giving more life and usability to things. Also you remove unwanted goods and thereby negative energy from your home. With fewer things around, maintenance also becomes easy. You too will save time. So, take charge and give away things. Remember, things which are not used for more than a year are worth giving away.


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