More and more people are starting to grow their own greens and vegetables in their homes - whether in the backyard, around the corridor of the house or wherever there’s enough water, sunlight and soil to allow plants to grow.

Growing your own plants has a lot of benefits – 
For one, you know what you are putting into the soil you grow your plants in. There won’t be a need to worry about pesticides and such. The way you grow your plants will also be organic.

Many simple greens and vegetables that you buy at the grocery store or the supermarket can be grown at your own home. They will save both time and money.

And there is a sense of satisfaction you get growing your own plants and consuming them. You will be happier when you eat them as they are a product of your own effort.

Growing plants can be a lot of fun – tending to them, watering them and watching them as they grow.

Here are a few plants you may consider growing as a start. They are easy to grow and you don’t have to be a farmer to grow them. All you need is some free time and some space.

Carrots - They are a rich source of a variety of nutrients and minerals. They are very good for the eyes.

Tomatoes – They are known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. 
Oranges – They again are a source of anti-oxidants and minerals.

Lemons – They are rich in Vitamin C.

And some herbs to consider
Basil – They have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Cilantro – A good source of Vitamin A. 

Mint – It can always be used to enhance taste. 

Remember to plant them in well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight and warmth. With some effort, you will be reaping your fruits!


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