How to start your own hydroponic garden

While Gardening is growing plants in soil with the usage of natural resources like sunlight, manure and water; hydroponic Gardening is where you grow plants without soil in water. This form of gardening has been prevalent from thousands of years; some fine examples are the hanging gardens of Babylon and the floating gardens of China. The benefit of this technique is that these plants grow faster than the plants in soil and they suffer less from problems like bug infections, fungus and others.
Here are some major tips on how you can start your own Hydroponic garden:
  • Prepare the growing chamber or the growing tray with the amount of chambers you want.
  • Reservoir is a vital part of the system, it has the solution of water and nutrients; the right amount of water has to be pumped depending on the plants you grow.
  • Reservoir can be made using plastic or other materials that can hold water.
  • The delivery system needs to be stable and well planned for the nutrient solution to reach the chambers well.
  • Air pumps need to be installed; these can be the ones used in aquariums.
  • The plants need to get enough natural lighting or they need an artificial light with timing alert.
  • Instead of water, hydroponic mediums can be used like Rockwool, clay rocks, coconut fiber and others.
  • You need to keep patience because it takes a long time.
  • Any type of home plants and vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, beets, deep roots can be grown.
  • You don’t have to spend much except for the basic equipment that will be used.
These hydroponic plants can be a great deal and give you great amount of satisfaction with the way they grow and also the yield will be better than the normal ones.


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