How to take care of your skin in winter?

Come winter and along with it comes Dry skin and discomfort of having rough skin, itchiness and also in extreme conditions rashes. It is possible to make your skin look healthy and supple even in harsh winters. Here are a few tips: 


 • Moisturise thoroughly: as the skin is robbed of its moisture content, apply a good moisturiser, at least, three times a day. 


 • Take a warm water bath: it is nice to have a hot and steamed bath during winter, but it is advised to have a warm water bath to lock the moisture.


 • Drink lots of water as it hydrates the skin. Even if you don’t feel like drinking water, drink fluids like green tea, warm water and the like. 


 • Also, don’t forget to take care of your hands and feet. Apply a good hand and foot cream. It is the overall care that matters.


 • You can also massage your face and body with warm coconut or sesame or olive or almond oil before bath. It gives a fresh glow to your skin and helps to retain moisture.


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