December 3- International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Equality is everybody’s right, and to promote this concept;United Nations started a noble initiative called the International Disability Day.It is celebrated annually on December 3rd.
This day aims to provide support and dignity and uphold the rights of those disabled. It has been celebrated from a long time and has been successful. Every year there is a new theme of its celebration ;the previous year it was, decent work for persons with disabilities, removing barriers for safety and much more.
It is seen that over 15% of the world population is disabled or differently abled and this initiative aids to promote their well-being. It aids to promote their public participation, provide them with stable status in the society and to reduce inequality. 
This year, the themes are:

• Making cities inclusive and accessible.
• Improving disability data.
• To include people with invisible disability in the society.


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