Climate Change: Causes, Effects and Solutions

We have all come across this phenomenon called climate change that is affecting the planet. This phenomenon shows that the world climate and patterns of weather are constantly changing which in turn impacts in a disastrous manner to the world. It is referred to as climate change when it lasts for a long period. Climate change may result in extreme weather or vice versa. There are several causes for this change, and it has several effects. This phenomenon is often called as “global warming.”

Most generally, it is defined as the change in the statistical properties of weather or climate system over a long period. This can cause an increase in global surface temperature that is a result of greenhouse gases.

Causes are divided into two broad categories namely: Natural and Human.

Here are some natural causes:

•Volcanic activity- volcanic eruptions can affect and lead to climate change. They are episodic and have only short-term effects.

•Solar output- changes in solar irradiance causes climate change.

•Earth’s orbit around the sun.

Here are some human causes:

•The burning of fossil fuels- the major output of this, is the release of carbon di oxide that adds to the greenhouse effect.

•Conversion of forest lands- this leads to increasing warmth in the atmosphere leading to warmer and hotter weather.

•Human activities- since the industrial revolution there has been a heavy development of the factories that lead to harmful emissions, especially greenhouse gases.

Its effects

•It will continue to last longer, beyond this century.

•The temperature will continue to rise, and climate will not be smooth or uniform.

•Ice caps will melt in the Arctic and Antarctic region.

•There will be more droughts and heat waves.

•Hurricanes will get stronger, frequent and intense.

•Sea level will rise.

Some solutions

•It is vital to forego fossil fuels.

•Reduce transportation or reduce the use of automobiles.

•The consumption rate must be lessened.

•Work on sustainable development and effective utilization.

•Stop cutting down of trees.

•Reduce the use of electricity.

•Most importantly, stop experimenting with the earth.  


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