Hungry and Tired? Healthy Comfort Foods to Your Rescue


A lazy day, maybe a weekend and you don’t want to cook, yet you want something tasty and home-made. A baffling time of course! During these times, some really yummy and tasty dishes can be made! These are called the comfort foods; these foods are those we cook and eat when we are lazy or tired but none the less we love eating them. Some of them are noodles, omelets, cheese pasta, sandwich, chocolate milkshake and many others.

These foods can be a really great help, they don’t really have to be cooked and are toothsome.

Today with emergence of many ready to eat food like readymade Bhajji mix or any dish which needs lot of preparation are ready in small packet. Though they don’t taste as the real dish, they can satisfy us. But these comfort foods are of a different level, they taste awesome!

Here are some healthy comfort foods:
  • Omelet- a ready to eat and can be cooked quickly and tastes yum! Its egg after all..!
  • Sandwich- a little preparation required, the bread will surely fill your stomach and so does the cheese.
  • Chocolate milkshake- a drink that kills your hunger and thirst as well, made of milk? Even better!
  • Yogurt rice- an Indian food which can be sweet and sour, rice mixed with yogurt.
  • Moong Dal Khichdi- a healthy preparation of rice and lentils which is light to digest yet filling
  • Oatmeal- a best start to your day and surely stomach filing. A warm and a pleasant meal.
  • Chicken noodle soup- a soup with a little chicken can be awesome. Also with some ginger and garlic.
  • Pakoras are great Indian comfort food and also foods like samosas, khakra, bhuj.iya, momos, bhelpuri and many more!
Thus, comfort foods heal your emptiness with at most gratification. They are tasty, most of the times healthy and they don’t get your tired in the cooking process.


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