Water, H2O-Health to Overwhelming Benefits

        Be it one large size margarita pizza, roti subzi or even the south Indian meals. In the end of all these dishes nothing can replace the pleasure of drinking water, not even the most expensive beverage. Water is a very important part of life. Do you know? Humans can survive over three weeks with water but cannot survive anything more than a week without water. In case you live in a snowy, cold area it gets even worse. Almost 55-70% of our body contains water depending upon the size of it. 
Drinking water has varied benefits both in terms of health and good health too. 
• It acts as a natural cleanser and flushes out all kinds of toxins in the body keeping the body pure and healthy. 
• Its acts as a lubricant for joints, regulates sweating & respiration and regulates body temperature. 
• It helps one lose weight. It revs up metabolism and makes you feel full. 
• It does not contain fat, calories or anything that will make you put on weight. 
• It removes toxins and gives your skin a natural glow. 
• it helps you keep pimples and other skin problems at bay (I guess I caught your attention now). 
• Body gets hydrated. 
   Doctors advise to drink an average of eight to ten glasses of water daily. In case you exercise or sweat excessively drink more than ten glasses of water. It helps us survive, as low amount of water in body would trouble blood flow. Water also boosts energy as dehydration is one of the main reasons to cause fatigue. As 85% of brain tissue is water, lack of water will cause stress. Water works as a great remedy to relieve from hangovers. It also helps us tone our muscles (in case gym going people are reading this). 
Inability to digest food properly is a major problem faced by people of all age groups. Water helps in easy digestion and eases up the process. Most importantly, it helps you prevent kidney stones as water dilutes the salts and minerals. 
Water is one of the most important aspects of life. Water is the most inexpensive medicine to all kinds of diseases. Rather than spending big bucks on medicines and falling sick, let’s make use of god’s best creation-water, to stay healthy. 
Drink water plenty and enjoy a health bounty!


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