Discover What You Love & Get Interesting Ideas. is a visual platform enabling users to share and view information and images of their choice across the site. DreamStream hosts a great collection of information relating to varying issues ranging from beauty, health, motivation, humour, cooking, fashion, home décor, sports and the like. Also hobbies like gardening, music, philately and many more are covered. In short, DreamStream is one stop destination for people who have zest for life and passion for what they do.

How to become a Dreamer ?

To really enjoy and benefit from DreamStream, the user has to sign up with DreamStream which is a very easy and no fuss process. The user can connect via Facebook, Twitter, Gmail or through any email address. If you choose to sign up with your email account, it will take you to a screen that will ask you for your name and email address. It will also ask you to create a unique password for your DreamStream account. Once you are finished, go to your mail id & activate the account and you became a Dreamer.

Once you become a Dreamer, you are presented with an array of subjects on varied topics. You can choose whatever interests you and you can also follow your favorite account holder/Dreamer.

On the DreamStream homepage the first thing you see is the recent post of the Dreamer you are following and also the category you liked.

Finally, to search for an account or a particular topic on the DreamStream homepage, simply use the search bar in the top left-hand corner.

Features of DreamStream:

DreamStream is loaded with user-friendly features which help in easy navigating and also helps the Dreamers to share their views and ideas.

1. A Photo- A Photo can be added from a website using the plug in (Dream On) button, or you can upload images from your computer. 
2. A Page - This a collection of photos centered on a topic. For example you could have a 'Home Decor' page which is filled with pictures of your home decoration and articles.

3. An Album - This is a collection of pages. For example you could have a 'Photography' album which is filled with pages related to photography.

4. Follower- This means an account holder on DreamStream has chosen to follow your page or profile.

5. Following- You can follow individual page and profile if you're only interested. When you are following an account, photos of their pages auto feed to DreamStream on your timeline or Home feed.

DreamStream is your generation next answer to finding relevant information on issues that interest you. It promises to be your friend, philosopher and guide. Moreover, its user friendly options make life easier. So sign in and lose yourself in the wonderful world of useful information.


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