10 morning habits that will help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

People are the most productive when they wake up, and set up a routine ensuring that they maintain high level of productivity for longer periods of time in a day.

Listed below are 10 morning habits that will help you lead a healthy lifestyle:
1.Have a Glass of Cold Water with Lemon

Start your day by drinking a 1 glass of lemon water. (Make sure your drinking water is clean and safe by using a quality water filter pitcher).

This habit helps you:

Wake up faster
Freshen your breath
Get large amounts of vitamins
Reduce the feeling of hunger
Aid your digestive system

This is a lot easier to do than it seems, and it's a great way to start your day. All you need to do is pour some water into a glass and add a couple drops of lemon juice.

2.Take Daily Vitamins

Daily vitamins are a must for anyone, and you'll feel better about your day if you take them on a consistent basis.

Vitamins are essential because they:

Help build a stronger immune system

Increase awareness

Ensures your body gets essential nutrients and builds stronger bone

Vitamins can give your body the boost it needs to get started and help your mind stay focused throughout the day. Be sure to read the directions on specific vitamins so that you are taking them properly.

3.Let the Natural Light In

Natural light does help you get started on the right foot, it has a number of different advantages, including:

Aiding in mood and perception

Enabling the performance of tasks

Controlling the body's Circadian system

This tip is only helpful if the sun is up, but it's an essential one that you should turn into a regular habit. At the very least, it helps you lower your bills because you're not using as much light during the day.

4.Review Your Goals

Everybody has goals. Whether they are big or small, we all have things that we want to accomplish.

You need to review your goals so that you can:

Create plans to reach those goals
Put your day in perspective
Know what’s important to accomplish

You can set goals for the day or the year, but you can't just aimlessly wander around on a day-to-day basis. Make sure you use every minute for what it's worth and accomplish what you set out for.

5.Maintain a Food Diary

Maintaining a food diary helps you see exactly what you’re putting into your body and how much you’re eating. You'd be surprised at just how much you consume in a given day.

Food Diary’s are effective because they:

Make you responsible for what you eat
Give you a physical representation of your daily habits
Encourage you to avoid little "snacks"
Help you meet your health goals

6.Eat Nutritious Foods

There are plenty of foods that you can have for breakfast that are really beneficial to your performance.

Some recommend suggestions  are:

Having a small bowl of berries
Eating a breakfast bar
Sprinkling  nuts on yogurt
Eating egg with a  high-fiber breakfast.

7.Wake Up Early

Time is an invaluable asset and highly successful people take it up a notch by waking up early by 5:30 am or even 4:00 am. You will have more control in your early hours, you will also have more opportunities to do things that matter  the most.

Start with waking up 15 minutes earlier than your usual time. Then, gradually adjust.

8.Work out and burn your calories

Exercise will not just make you think clearer, be healthier and scientifically happier, it allows you to combat stress as well.Make time for exercise,an hour-long routine seems too daunting, so try running, dancing or even walking around the neighborhood for at least ten minutes.

9.Eat that frog first

In the morning,you are fresh and ready to go. So, this is the best time to take advantage of it – do your hardest task, your “frog” first. This way, you’re more likely to get it done and you’re more likely to finish it without other people barging in on you.

Choose your “frog” of the day – only one – and stick to completing it before you even get to eat breakfast.

10.Meditate and clear your mind

Keep calm and let your inner peace guide you: spend a few minutes to say a prayer or to meditate to keep yourself relaxed. Remember, 90% of illnesses are stress-related. Focus on breathing. You may even recite an empowering mantra during your routine.


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