Tips to Bring in Positive Energy to Your Home

Your home is a sanctuary, a place for you to retreat from everything and feel at ease. It should be able to feel centered, and at peace there. DreamStream brings you some very useful tips to fill your home with an abundance of positive energy.

1.Clear Clutter
Creating space in your home brings in a flow of positive, inspiring and creative energy. Clutter can make you feel less motivated and even depressed. Start by clearing your home of all the things you no longer need or use. A general rule to follow is that if you haven’t used it in a year or it doesn’t bring you joy, it’s time to let it go.

2.Lighting and Air
Dim lighting can slow down the vibration of energy, causing you to feel unmotivated or sluggish. During the day, open up the windows and curtains and light darker areas of the home with lamps that emit natural looking light. Himalayan Salt lamps are also fantastic for clearing away negative energy, stress and air pollutants.

3.White Sage
White Sage is very healing and can help to calm nervous tension and to clear the air after arguments or a break-in. It is also great for creating a barrier between you and noisy or disruptive neighbours. To use, simply burn the sage allowing the smoke to fill the corners of your home.

4.Singing Bowls or Bells
Sound is a powerful healer and can help to harmonise the vibration of your space. Singing bells are believed to balance the right and left sides of the brain and aid in stress reduction, mediation practices and relaxation.

Crystals are a great way to bring positivity in the home as they can absorb, clear and recalibrate negative energy.

6.Essential Oils and Incense
Frankincense, Jasmine or Sandalwood are great options for incense as they promote protection and the clearing of lower energies. For essential oils, citrus scents like lemon and orange promote motivation and happiness, floral scents like Lavender and Rose help reduce anxiety and promote harmonious relationships and herbal or woody scents like Rosemary, Clary Sage, Jasmine and Patchouli help to ward of negative energies.


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