How to Sell Art on DreamStream

Art has been one of the most beautiful manmade creations on planet Earth. Art does not have one specific form, shape or any kind of boundaries or definition. The concept of Art varies from painting, sketching, dance, music, instrumental music, acting, theatre play and what not? Art is everything that appeals to humans and makes life more colorful. The skill of being a good artist, will not just satisfy your passion, but also has the capacity to make you famous and wealthier. But for this, you will require the world to know about your talent. How to expose your skills to the knowledge of the world?

DreamStream is here to help you. DreamStream is a platform used by millions of people across the group to share knowledge and socialize. How will DreamStream help us? For this, the first thing one must do is to create an account on DreamStream. To do this, one must fill in details of themselves and sign up for the terms and conditions. Post this, they will be provided with the homepage where you will find a small search bar on the top left corner. Type the subject of your passion, say Arts and you will be shown pages and profiles related to the subject. Follow it for updates. 
Ensure you initially update interesting facts and ideas regarding the fields to get Dreamers to follow you on the page. Once you have enough number of people to reach out to, start posting about your work and your wish to sell it. Say you wish to sell a painting or a model, then put a picture of it and write detailed description of it and its making. Interested people will contact you and talk to you about their wish to buy it.

This way, DreamStream helps you connect to the world and exposes your talent and work to potential audience.


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