Check out these easy to make natural pesticides for your home garden

Having your own garden with few ornamental plants and growing vegetables provides fresh produce for you and your family while giving you full control over what is used in the care and maintenance of the vegetables. Pest control is important in vegetable gardens to keep hungry insects from feasting on the plants. However, pesticides often contain harsh toxins that can leave chemical residue on vegetables. Long before the invention of chemical pesticides householders and farmers came up with multiple remedies for removing insect infections from their garden plants .The following list will offer some of our favorite, all-natural, inexpensive, organic methods for making bug-busting pesticides for your home garden
Neem - To make your own Neem oil spray, simply add 1/2 an ounce of high quality organic Neem oil and ½ teaspoon of a mild organic liquid soap , to two quarts of warm water. Stir slowly. Add to a spray bottle and use immediately.

Salt Spray - For treating plants infested with spider mites, mix 2 tablespoons of Crystal Salt into one gallon of warm water and spray on infected areas.

Citrus Oil Spray - This is another great organic pesticide that works well on ants. Simply, mix 10 drops of citrus essential oil with one teaspoon cayenne pepper and 1 cup of warm water. Shake well and spray in the affected areas.

Onion and Garlic Spray - Mince one organic clove of garlic and one medium sized organic onion. Add to a quart of water. Wait one hour and then add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one tablespoon of liquid soap to the mix. This organic spray will hold its potency for one week if stored in the refrigerator.

Red Pepper Spray - Combine 1 tablespoon of red pepper powder, 6 drops of dish soap and 1 gallon of water and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Pour the red pepper mixture in a garden sprayer and thoroughly cover the vegetables with the spray. If needed, reapply the spray once a week to keep garden pests such as leafhoppers, spittlebugs, beetles and loopers off the plants.


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