Parenting Habits for Raising Happy and Healthy Kids

Parenting is growing along with children. It’s the most wonderful phase to watch them blossom; notice their likes and dislikes, their passions and interests. Our dreams get bigger having a kid at home. We work on growing our assets, plan on those savings to make their lives secure. We get more responsible day after day, year after year. The prime focus and goal becomes our children’s future.

As parents, we should practice before we preach. Children silently watch what’s happening around, so it’s always better to think and act wisely. It is not a tough task to inculcate good habits in children. Don’t set them as rules but make it an everyday thing like food and water. So, let’s look at a parent’s role in bringing up the kid in a right way.

Being honest is a virtue. Let it begin with you. Our kids are going to lead their lives by themselves one day. Let that not be filled with guilt and fear. We want them to be grown up as strong and confident individuals.

Reading habit:
Knowledge is power. Inculcate the habit of reading for your kids. Read out interesting things and discuss it with them. It arouses curiosity and a zest to read in them.

The touch of prayer:
The almighty secretly works for our growth and success.  Offer prayers and involve your child in it too. Tell them the stories of our gods and goddesses and chant those mantras daily.

Communication helps:
Do not hide your sorrows. Express them with your kids. Let them know that life is not a fairytale. This will make them learn to struggle and not give up when they are chided with ups and downs. It improves their communication and sociable skills.

Words matter:
Let our children learn to be humble. Tell them to say sorry when they are and thankful when someone’s kind to them. Let them develop a positive attitude and not be egoistic or overconfident at the same time.

Not all things can be planned and set.  Setting aside loads of money and property will not make them the happy and healthier kids. A person with strong traits will know how to make his journey meaningful. To see such a person it takes time, patience and a right parenting. Good luck!


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