Easy and fun ways to burn calories

Burning calories can be a painful task; working out, jogging and other painful activities can help you reduce calories. It is noticed that if you burn 500 calories a day, you can easily lose a pound in a week. Burning calories can cause more pain for you though it will surely burn your calories. Here are a few easy and fun methods for you to burn your calories in some days:

1)Pop a gum: it not only refreshes your mouth but also burn calories! Yes! Chewing gum can burn 11 calories in 12 minutes!

2)Play pool: bending yourself and hitting the ball can help you burn calories, to be more specific, 99 calories in 35 minutes and you can go for another drink!

3)Do some bowling: one fun way to burn those calories is to bowl, and this can help you toss 102 calories in 30 minutes. For how long will you play?

4)LOL (Laugh out loud): it is true that laughter is the best medicine because it adds to burn your calories. It is proved in a study that an average adult burns 1.3 calories per minute.

5)Play the Frisbee: toss and play with the Frisbee and this fun play can help you burn 102 calories in 30 minutes.

6)Dance, dance and dance: even if you are not a pro, just dance around! It does not only burn calories but also relaxes your mind and body.

7)A ping pong or a badminton game: swing your arms with the bat and feel fresh! It helps you reduce 113 calories in 25 minutes.

8)Or you can just do some activities like cleaning the house, washing your car, gardening or meditating and it surely has an effect!

So, you can inculcate these easy and fun methods to burn calories and reduce weight! Start from now!


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