8 Tips How to Keep Your Home Fire Safe

Man made disasters are very much prevalent in today’s era. They cause severe damage to the people around. Hence it is important for us to protect ourselves from these perils and learn to be preventive in such cases. One of the most notorious man made dangers is home fire which is very abundant and has taken lives of millions of people around the world. Home fire is very common and is caused by domestic elements like cylinder and others. In some cases death occurs due to the inhalation of toxic elements than getting burnt by the flames.

Safety must be a priority and important steps and precautions must be taken to protect ourselves from injury and peril. Here are a few:
  • Too many appliances mustn’t be connected to one electrical outlet.
  • Use of damaged or burnt chords or extensions must be avoided.
  • Children in the house must be kept away from lighters and match box.
  • Teach children about the dangers of playing with fire.
  • Keep gas cylinders away from the reach of children and other inflammable elements.
  • Keep inflammable objects away from the stove.
  • If your house is very large, keep a fire extinguisher in case of emergency.
  • Never leave any burning candles or any other flaming unattended.
These are few tips but you must also keep in mind that smoke alarms and escape plans are vital for big houses and firms. You must keep in mind during a home fire that once it’s caught up, it will not be clear for you to see, if the fire accident occurs when you are asleep, you will not be able to smell the smoke and it will put you to sleep. Thus, home fire must be taken care of.

As they say, prevention is better than cure.


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