Build You Network and Articulate Your Personal Brand:

graphic designer, artist , illustrator is a visual based social network and also a powerful visual bookmarking tool. If you are a graphic designer, artist or illustrator, this is the right platform to showcase your talent and design work.

Discussed below are some of the features of DreamStream which will help you in unlashing your graphic designing talent.

1. Creating Inspiration Pages-The interface is simple and easy to use. You can create up to 500 Pages and these Pages can be viewed by anyone and everyone who follow you. You can use DreamStream to create themed inspiration Pages like styles, colors, contrasts, shapes, textures, patterns, landscapes, and people. 

2. Create a Page for a client-If you're working on a design project for a client, the client can view it on DreamStream. Normally Pages on DreamStream are publicly viewable. If required you may create it as 'Secret Album ' for your client and individually, you can send links by email. DreamStream also has the ability to invite other people to Group Page. 

3. Connect with other designers-In DreamStream every designer, artist and illustrator can follow and you can share comments on other's posts. This is a great way to get connected with other designers and you can share with other major social media. 

4. Create your own portfolio-This will give you more exposure on the Online, and helps you to draw comments and attract follower and favorites to increase your reputation. You can add your name/business name in the description of your image or watermark your own submissions with your logo and website address. Your work might be shared by other Dreamer. 

5. Add 'Dream On' buttons to your website- This will make it easy for Dreamer to share and upload your content by adding a 'Dream On ' buttons. 

These easy options on DreamStream will definitely make your task simpler and more attractive. It will also enhance your presence and also set you on the right tract of progression in your work.


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