Check Out these Smart Hacks for Fixing Clothes

A lot of things can happen to ruin our clothes, and it is especially disheartening when you might have spent a lot of money and time picking out these clothes to suit your personality, and the occasion. Dream Stream team brings you some clever hacks to fix your clothes, and bring back that dazzling smile to your face.
1.Remove grease or oil stains from clothing
i.Blot away any excess grease or oil with a paper towel.
ii.Cover grease/oil stain generously with baby powder, or other absorbents like corn starch or salt.
iii.Remove the baby powder from the clothing with a paper towel or spoon carefully, avoiding any spillage onto other parts of the clothing.
iv.Work a small amount of hand dishwashing detergent and water into stain with your thumb. Once the detergent begins to foam up, take an old toothbrush and begin rubbing the stain using circular motions.
v.Wash the clothing, alone, with laundry detergent.
2.Clean patent leather
i.Use a regular baby wipe or pre-moistened wet wipe on the patent leather as you would a damp washcloth.
ii.After wiping with the wet wipe, buff the patent leather with a clean soft cloth.
iii.Be sure to follow up with a leather condition.
3.Avoid buttoned shirts from gaping across the chest

i.Use pre-cut double-sided tape to lock down the gap. Toupee tape holds better, especially in case of cotton shirts.
ii.Get safety pins in a variety of colours and use these to cover the gap between buttons without the tell-tale glint of silver at your chest.
4.Repair an underwire bra
i.Work the wire back into the casing with your fingers carefully, till you can no longer see the wire protruding.
ii.Cut a small strip of moleskin (preferably in a nude shade), about an inch long.
iii.Use glue to stick the moleskin patch over the casing and use your thumbs to smooth over.
iv.Wait for the glue to dry before wearing the bra again.
5.Eliminate strong odours from your clothes
i.When there’s no time to wash a shirt before wearing it again, just spray on some vodka and let it dry.
ii.The alcohol kills all the odour-causing bacteria and gets rid of any strong, lingering smells.
6.Remove red wine stains
i.Soak the stained spot in white wine for a few minutes to pre-treat before washing as per the instructions on the clothing.
7.Stop sweaters from shedding
i.Stick your cashmere or wool sweater in a zip-lock bag and toss it in the freezer before each wear, to avoid shedding.
8.Scrub off water stains on leather boots
i.Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush in white vinegar and gently rub to remove stains from water, snow, and/or salt.
9.Eliminate odour from sneakers
i.Pour a little bit of baking soda in your sneakers after a workout to soak up sweat and thereby eliminate odours.
10.Erase unsightly armpit stains
i.Scrub out stains on the armpits using a mixture of lemon juice and water.
ii.For tough stains, try rubbing a paste of baking soda and water on the stain, letting it sit for a few minutes.
iii.Rinse it off before washing with other laundry.


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