Check Out These 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants

DreamStream has compiled a list of no-fuss Houseplants you can grow and add life and colour to your home.

This indoor plant has an air-purifying quality that can absorb and strip toxins like formaldehyde from materials at home. It has trailing stems and works well in a hanging basket or as a climbing plant with some training onto whatever object you like that will support it.

It can produce stems that trail eight feet or longer, so just cut them back when they get too long and your plant will continue to look full and healthy. It can thrive in an array of lighting conditions, but low light may diminish the leaves' variegation. Allow soil to dry somewhat between watering. Pothos does well in an array of normal room temperatures.

This succulent with long pointed leaves has medicinal properties and can grow three feet high for big impact indoors. Smaller varieties like the popular aloe vera, work great in small, sunny indoor spaces.

Aloe likes room temperatures around 70 degrees and a lot of sunlight. As you might expect for a succulent, this indoor house plant prefers dry soil, so avoid frequent watering for the best result.

3.Spider Plant
These unusual-looking indoor plants add visual interest to a room, and come in a number of varieties, and work well as hanging plants.

They do well with evenly moist soil and bright or medium lighting conditions. Room temperatures of 60 to 75 degrees keep them thriving.

4.English Ivy
It is super easy to start a new plant by cutting a section of the stem.

English Ivy likes moist soil and cooler room temperature conditions, ranging from the mid-50s to about 70.

5.Jade Plant
This plant offers thick, lush leaves and visually interesting branches. It grows slowly and has the potential to live for many years, and also looks great in a pretty pot when paired with other succulent varieties.

It does not require a lot of water, so keep soil somewhat dry. It prefers bright light and ordinary room temperatures.

6.Rubber Tree
This plant grows into an eight-foot-tall tree for a major pop of greenery in a room. If you prefer a smaller plant, just make your rubber tree into a shrub shape by pruning any long stems. The dark green leaves have an attractive shine to them.

Allow the surface of the rubber tree's soil to dry out in between watering. It thrives in lighting conditions from medium to bright, and a range of room temperatures between about 60 and 80.

The leaves of this pretty indoor plant can grow to a foot long, and provide a tropical-looking accent to home decor. The whole plant can grow six feet high for a cheery room focal point.

It thrives in normal room temperature not colder than the mid-60s. Keep the soil evenly moist, and provide medium or low lighting conditions for the best result.

8.Peace Lily
It has pretty, curving white blooms and dark leaves and is super easy to grow.

This house plant favours low humidity and also low light, making it great for rooms with few windows. It prefers moist soil throughout the pot and tolerates standard temperatures ranging to about 85 degrees.

9.Snake Plant
It has variegated leaves that grow upright, and some varieties' leaves have yellow or white edges. It has small white flowers that bloom only rarely.

This indoor plant grows well in a whole range of lighting conditions. The air should be somewhat dry, as should the soil.

This indoor tree has shiny leaves to add cheer to any indoor space and its stems can be braided for a tidy topiary effect.

This tree likes full sun, or at least bright filtered light. Most varieties prefer several days of dry soil in between thorough watering. Room temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees work best.


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