Follow These 10 Morning Exercises for A Healthy Lifestyle

Innumerable studies show that doing Exercise in the morning helps us stay in a good mood all day long. It boosts brain power and releases hormones that promote happiness throughout the day. DreamStream bring you 10 simple morning exercises that will keep you feeling great the whole day and you can do them all at home.
1.Cat Camel Stretch
Stretching exercises are useful for muscle toning, and can be dynamic or static. Dynamic ones, such as the cat camel stretch, are particularly great for spinal flexibility and is a good warm up exercise.

Kneel down on all fours. Start by rounding your back just like a camel so that your head will try to meet your pelvis. This is the camel position. Then lower and lift your head so that your lower back is arched. This is the cat position. Do these movements slowly and smoothly, about 4 or 5 times.

2.Morning Walk or Run
This is better done outside so that you can connect with nature, but running inside on a treadmill is almost as good. Start with brisk walking and work up to running.

3.Jumping Jacks
These are great for cardiovascular health and also for toning muscles especially the calves and the deltoids.

Stand with feet together. Jump while spreading your arms and legs. Return to first position and keep going!

4.Abductor Side Lifts
These are very important also for your core stability and prevent the pelvis from tilting. Do about 10–15 raises for each side.

5.Balancing Table Pose
This is a classic yoga pose and benefits the spine, balance, memory and concentration. Start with the table pose (hands and knees). Breathe in before starting each movement. As you exhale, raise your left leg parallel to the floor as you raise the right arm, also parallel to the floor. Breathe in as you lower arm and leg. Repeat for the other side. 10 repetitions on each side is a good starting point.

6.Leg Squats
Stand with your feet a bit further out from your hips and your arms out in front of you. Then lower yourself as if you wanted to sit down until you reach a 90-degree angle. You can go down further if you want to. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for 2 sets for beginners.

These exercises help with knee stability and can benefit the leg muscles such as quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.

7.Push Ups
Start by lying face down but with your body held up at arm’s length. Your hands should be in line with your shoulders. Breathe in as you lower your body. As you exhale, you have to get back up to the starting position. An easier version to start with is to bend your legs at the knees so you do not have to lift your whole body. This exercise is great for strengthening the chest, shoulders and the triceps. It is a great strengthening exercise for many muscle groups.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Place your hand on your hips. Take one giant step forward with the right leg. Make sure the knee does not go too far forward, that is, past your toes. The left knee will go down to almost floor level. Alternate the legs as you go on.
Try to a set of between 8 and 12 reps for each leg. It is important to allow for a day of rest, so this exercise should be done on alternate days, especially if you are using weights.

This exercise is great for strengthening and toning the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings.

9.Bicep Curls
You can do this exercise sitting down. Choose suitable dumbbells or another household object that you can easily hold. Sit down with the dumbbell in your hand. You need to sit forward a bit so that your triceps can lean on your thigh to give you support. Then bring the weighted arm up to shoulder length and then down again. Exhale as you lift the weight and inhale as you lower it. Try to do one or two sets of about ten repetitions for each arm and then switch arms.

10.Bicycle Crunches
Among the numerous crunch exercises targeting the abs, the bicycle crunch is a variation where you work more muscle groups. Aim for 15 to 20 reps to start off with.

You may have to build in a rest day for the heavier exercises (numbers 6–10). On the rest days, you can do gentler stretching exercises and also some walking or running.


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