Check Out the Perfect Place to Get a Tattoo

Your body is a wonderland. And any and every part is a perfect place to get a tattoo. But if you are looking for inspiration, check out this list we have created for you.

Outer Arm
This is a great place for a tattoo especially if you want to cover a lot of ground in one sitting. It is fairly muscular which means that a tattoo machine won’t be running against your bones.

Thigh wrap-around
This is without a doubt one of the easiest places to get a tattoo. The positioning allows you to lie down comfortably and because it’s not on your torso, you can use your breathing to help deal with the pain.

The skin is thinner on the wrist which makes it hurt a little bit more than some places, but because the wrist is smaller it will be a relatively quick process.

The shoulder is ideal for a first tattoo because it allows for someone to get a large scale tattoo without committing to having visible tattoos. This is also a perfect place if you want to hide your tattoo, especially at your workplace.

Upper Back
This is a perfect spot for women who want to flaunt their tattoos in bikinis and backless dresses. It gives room for tattoos of all sizes too.

Behind the Ear
This is the perfect place for small tattoos. Moreover, it can be hidden with your hair or a hat or scarf, when you don’t want to show it. Another plus is that you won’t feel much pain over this area because it caters low nerve sense


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