Make These Luxurious Bath and Body Products at Home

Nothing is as relaxing as soaking in a tub of warm water, scented with wonderful salts or oils, after a hard day at work, or just a long week. You can make these luxurious bath and body products and home now, and customise them to suit your preferences, without spending a ton!

1.Bath Salts
Epsom bath salts help detoxify and alleviate stress and tension. Using a scent like lavender, or cedar will give a calming effect, and citrusy notes like orange or lemon will be refreshing and joyful.

Mix 3 cups of Epsom salt and 2 cups of sea salt in a large bowl and sprinkle 2 tbsp. of any essential oil to this and mix well with a whisk to remove all clumps. Add ½ cup of baking soda and mix well and store for later use.

2.Bath Milk
Milk baths are soothing and does wonders for the skin, making it soft and smooth. Mix 1 ½ cups of powdered milk and ½ cup of Epsom salts together. Add 5-8 drops of any essential oil of your choice and mix. You could add food colouring to match the essence you have used, or customise it further by adding flower petals.

3.Bath Bombs
Bath bombs make bath time fragrant, relaxing and fun. But making bath bombs is equally enjoyable as you create these little balls with essence and colour of your choice. Mix 2 cups of baking soda, 1 cup of citric acid, and 1 cup of corn and then add ½ tsp of any essential oil of your choice, 3 tsp of olive oil and mix. You could add about 5 drops of a complimenting food colour and some dried flowers if you like. Spray this mixture with water to achieve the consistency of wet sand and pack it into round molds, very tightly. Rest these for 3 days to dry out before using.

4.Body Scrub
Body scrubs are great whether you like showers or baths and not only rejuvenate your skin, but also help moisturize and heal it from all the exposure to pollution and sunlight. For a rose petal scrub, pour 1 cup of coconut oil into a mason jar and add a handful of rose petals. Add 1 ½ cups of brown sugar and 1 tbsp. of sweet almond oil and mix well. Cure this for a week before using it.

5.Body Lotion
Body lotion is a guilty pleasure for most of us, with a good bedtime routine involving massaging fragrant body lotion onto our skin for softness and moisturizing. Heat 1/8th cup of shea butter, 1/4th cup of coconut oil and 1/8th cup of cocoa butter over low heat until it melts and remove the heat. Add 1 tbsp. of aloe vera juice, 1 tbsp. liquid oil, and 5-10 drops of essential oils and stir well and store in a container.


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