12 Unhealthy Foods You Must Avoid for A Healthy Lifestyle

It is hard to avoid unhealthy goofs because they are typically so tasty and usually easily accessible. Problem is, they jeopardise our well-being and learning why they are bad should be able to help you make better dietary choices daily. 1.Packaged Cookies These are usually rich in trans-fat and are mostly made with partially hydrogenated cooking oils. Not to mention their high sugar content. 2.Coffee Creamer You might think you consume these in small doses so the nutrient profile should not matter. But even in the smallest doses, these add up especially if you are a big coffee drinker. Opt for healthier alternatives like almond, low fat or skim milk. 3.Chips Chips are calories dense and high in fat. And with chips, portion control is very difficult. 4.Energy Drinks They are high in sugar even though they claim to be crucial for replenishing, hydrating and getting your vitamins. 5.Frozen Yogurt Frozen yogurt contains less fat than ice cream but it is still loa...