Follow These 10 Morning Exercises for A Healthy Lifestyle

Innumerable studies show that doing Exercise in the morning helps us stay in a good mood all day long. It boosts brain power and releases hormones that promote happiness throughout the day. DreamStream bring you 10 simple morning exercises that will keep you feeling great the whole day and you can do them all at home. 1.Cat Camel Stretch Stretching exercises are useful for muscle toning, and can be dynamic or static. Dynamic ones, such as the cat camel stretch, are particularly great for spinal flexibility and is a good warm up exercise. Kneel down on all fours. Start by rounding your back just like a camel so that your head will try to meet your pelvis. This is the camel position. Then lower and lift your head so that your lower back is arched. This is the cat position. Do these movements slowly and smoothly, about 4 or 5 times. 2.Morning Walk or Run This is better done outside so that you can connect with nature, but running inside on a treadmill is almost as goo...