10 Real Life Locations That Inspired Disney Places

Disney movies show us a beautiful world that almost seems unreal to an adult. But if we told you that these are all based on real life locations that you can visit on your next trip? Here are some beautiful locations that Disney got inspired from: 1.Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany This Bavarian castle from 1800s inspired the royal castle in Sleeping Beauty. It was built by Ludwig II as a personal retreat and he was known to be an enthusiastic art patron, his love for the arts showing in the grandiose of the castle. 2.Alsace, France This picturesque village in Northern France inspired the location where Belle stayed with her father in the Disney classic – Beauty and the Beast. The region’s architecture and the way of living is reflected in the Disney movie. 3.Mont Saint-Michel, France Remember the kingdom of Corona in Tangled? The unique island is inspired by the Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, France where tidal waves periodically cut it off from the mainland. The striking location h...