DreamStream for Education and to Bring Better Knowledge Sharing to the Classroom

The education field is expanding like never before. The syllabus is ever growing and students, teachers and parents are to their wits end in trying to get the right material which is authentic and useful. There is of course the Internet to the rescue. But today, Internet is flooded with information and getting the right information at the right time makes all the difference. In such circumstances, DreamStream comes to your rescue. DreamStream is an online platform wherein you can share information, pictures, reviews, tit bits and the like. It is fast gaining popularity and is very easy to use and fuss free. The user has to login into DreamStream using his Facebook or Gmail or any email address and he will be amazed to find the plethora of information on DreamStream. DreamStream gives the wonderful option of having pages dedicated to a particular topic. You can create your pages and put it up for others to see. Similarly, you can view other Dreamers’ (users of DreamStre...